
루트 66 Route 66

(두번 다시 안 가고 싶은 식당) / I am Never Going Back Here Again-!!


#피자 #핫윙 #가지마 #다신안가 #먹지마 #맛없음

피자랑 핫윙... 어떻게 해도 맛없게 먹기 어려운 음식이다.

특히... 시원한 #맥주 를 한잔 곁들인다면 말이다.

하지만... #이태원맛집 으로 소문난 루트66은 그 어려운 일을 해냈다. #브라보

추천 링크: https://link.coupang.com/a/M597M


맛다린 꼬막비빔장 (냉동)



* 쿠팡 파트너스 활동을 통해 일정액의 수수료를 제공받을  있습니다.

​우선... #피자나이트 인 금요일에 갔다. 

#페퍼로니피자 및 #치즈피자 한 슬라이스씩 시키고 윙 두개를 시켰는데 

20분 정도 지나서야 나왔고 그렇게 오래 걸려서 나온 피자가... 찼다... 

윙도... 찼다. 

윙은 버팔로랑 캐롤라이나머스터드... 캐롤라이나머스터드는 정말 개취지만 추천불가능한 맛이었다. 

여기 가자고 내가 추천하고 온건데,, 민망해서 혼났다. 


그냥 이날 주방에 문제가 있었고 이태원 맛집 중 맛집일 수 있지만 내 경험은 너무 안 좋았다. 

아, 맥주는 맛있었음-!!



#pizza #hotwing #nevercomingback #neversaynever #butiwillsayit 

Pizza and hot wings are difficult to make it to taste bad. 

Especially, if you are pairing with a nice cold craft beer. However, ya'll did it Route 66-!! #thumbsup

I went there on a Friday, their #pizzanight and ordered couple slices of #pepperonipizza and #cheesepizza 

We waited and waited til we got our slices. It was good 20+ mins for couple slices. 

If it was hot cheesy greasy good pizza, I wouldn't mind waiting that long. 

However, it was cold pizza. Couple baskets of wings that we ordered (buffalo and Carolina mustard) was also cold. 

I am not trying to bash on this place but really,,,

추천 링크: https://link.coupang.com/a/M58Mm


애슐리 꿀간장 스윗 콤보 치킨 3봉 x 460g



* 쿠팡 파트너스 활동을 통해 일정액의 수수료를 제공받을  있습니다.

We all got them places that we read on a blog or facebook post saying how good they are but disappoint you. 

I did my fair share of research and chose this spot for a night out with a friend. 

I felt so bad that I recommended this place, apologized and suggested that I pick up a check for the next spot that we hit. 

(My friend had already picked up the check so paying for our awful experience was not an option for me.)

I hope that their food is crazy good and I was the sucker that visited on their bad night. 

Even if that's the case, I am not going back again. 

Oh yeah, the beer was good-!! 

#donotrecommend #cannotrecommend



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